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Georgia Tech researchers are part of award-winning effort to create innovative, AI-powered platforms for discovering new pain management drugs while treating addiction

Artist rendering of early Earth (Photo credit: NASA)

A new study is taking the air out of a hypothesis linking early Earth’s oxygenation to larger, more complex organisms. Georgia Tech researchers report a more complex effect

Jessica Kilpatrick is a graduating with a degree in psychology and a minor in health and medical sciences.

Kilpatrick, who is graduating with a degree in psychology and minor in health and medical sciences, shares that her path to a top-rated physician assistant program has been all about balancing academics and her own health — plus GT Football memories.

Yassin Watson is a graduating student with dual degrees in biology and industrial engineering, plus dual minors in social justice and physiology.

Watson, who is graduating with dual degrees in biology and industrial engineering, and minors in social justice and physiology, shares six years of adventures at Tech and exploring biology, engineering, health and wellness, and outer space.
